Forest School is essentially regular, outdoor, nature-based learning that focuses on the holistic development of the child. The practice of using the outdoors as a part of the education and all-round development is not a new phenomenon. This teaching method originated in Scandinavia and has been inspired by the work of pioneers such as Friedrich Froebel. But in the past two decades it has been embraced by many other countries, including Australia where it's often referred to as 'bush school'.

Research clearly shows that outdoor play is so important for a child’s creativity and critical thinking. But how is Forest School different from other outdoor or play-based programs? Listed below are some of the pedagogical principles that are at the base of the Forest School approach.
Forest School provides a holistic approach to children’s learning and development
This approach is concerned with the development of every child’s intellectual, emotional, social, physical, creative and spiritual potential. It seeks to engage children in the learning process and encourages personal and collective responsibility.
Each child is unique and competent
Every child is unique and competent in their own way, and the way they think, feel and interact with others reflects this. Some children are outgoing, while some are shy; some like physical activities, while others love stories and music. To view the child as unique and competent is to view their potential.
Children need an environment to flourish and grow their positive self-esteem
Children are active and interactive learners. Children’s active engagement in the learning process and their engagement with others in interactive activities or engagement with materials forms the dynamics for knowledge and understanding. Through active learning children are constantly changing, adjusting, and rearranging meaning and understanding of things.
Children need real life, first hand experiences
Children are observers and explorers by nature and through real-life, first hand experiences they develop an understanding of themselves and the environment they are in. A child’s all round physical, emotional, linguistic, cognitive and sensory development is fostered through first hand experiences.​
Children thrive in child-centred environments
This environment takes into account children’s daily lives— including the need for restful areas, places for children who need sleep time and creative areas. There should be an interconnectedness between indoors and outdoors, and an understanding that children need to be in harmony with the environment.
Children need time to experiment and develop independent thinking
Children need time to play and explore and experiment with their ideas and knowledge. They need to try things out, make mistakes, try something else, repeat their play, and consolidate ideas. At Forest School children have the freedom to explore, play, build, create, imagine, learn and use all their senses to experience the natural environment. They engage with one another and with the environment when and how they choose, at their own pace. For this reason we say that Forest School, as well as all of our nature play programs, are child-directed and play based.
Children, and adults at Forest School however, are expected to follow our code of conduct, which is there to ensure we all behave safely and respectfully. ​​
There is a strong emphasis on educators observing children, learning with them and supporting their play and development without unnecessary interference.​
The guiding principle at Forest School is that children are competent and engaged learners, and with guidance and support, are able to lead their own learning process in directions far beyond what an educator can initiate on their own.​
The ethos has grown in popularity in Australia over the past decade as a response to growing concerns over “cotton wool kids” - which is, overly protected from risks and rarely exposed to nature.
More questions? Check out our FAQs, or read about a typical day at Big Scrub Forest School. Even better you could come and join us for a day!