A non-religious morning prayer for children can be a simple expression of gratitude for the blessings in their lives. It can also be a way to encourage mindfulness and inner peace. This short prayer offers a secular and spiritual perspective on gratitude and helps children understand the interconnectedness of life.​ We use the word God, but you can, if you wish, replace it with anything that feels aligned to your values and spiritual beliefs.
Dear God
Divine Source of all that is
As the first light of this new day gently touches the Earth
We pause to honour the sacred light that flows through all things
In this moment of stillness, we open our heart in profound gratitude
for the countless blessings that fill our life
for the simple miracle of being alive
for the love of family, of friends, of those who care for us and those we care for
Thank you for the beauty that surrounds us
For the warmth of the Sun, the whisper of the winds
The songs of the birds and the quiet strength of the Earth beneath our feet
We see your hand in every blade of grass
In every drop of dew
And we are reminded that we are part of this magnificent creation of life
Woven together by your Infinite Love
Divine Mother please remind us in every moment to walk lightly on this Earth
To treat all beings with kindness and respect
To pause often to appreciate all that we have, all that we are, and all that is yet to come
Thank you for the clarity of mind, the light of intuition and the wisdom you placed within us
We step into this new day with joyful and peaceful heart
knowing that we are always, in every moment, connected to You
And so it is. Namaste.