Rosemary - Myth, Magic and Medicine
We connect with rosemary to bring love, healing and protection to a new year
“Rosemary is the smell of déjà vu and the after-breath of nostalgia. Her gift is the faint scent that teases and vanishes, leaving you longing for something you can’t quite name, and with memories that crest and crash, pulling you gasping into their undertow.”
— Maia Toll
Growing in many gardens around the world, rosemary is found in many folk tales, spiritual practices, and incantations. It was considered a sacred plant to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, often associated with love, death (renewal), immortality, purity and remembrance.
Rosemary is been associated with the Sun and fire element, reflecting its warm, fiery nature.
Rosemary stimulates circulation, making it beneficial for those who feel cold or have poor circulation.
This beautiful aromatic herb has long been associated with memory improvement, and it's known to promote restful and calm sleep. Place a sprig of rosemary on your child's bedside table - or inside her dream pillow - to chase away nightmares and help her drift into peaceful slumber.
Like many other herbs of the Sun, rosemary has a strong connection with longevity and immortality. Plants like rosemary live alongside us for most of our lives, witnessing our trials, joys, and transitions. They are powerful, resilient, and incredibly vitalizing.
People who live in a constant state of self-criticism, self-doubt, or any level of self-hatred, can greatly benefit from this solar herb.
The plant of rosemary is often used a symbol of motherly love - it is said to brings us in touch with the divine feminine, the Divine Mother. In ancient Christianity stories rosemary was associated with the Virgin Mary who was said to have rested under a rosemary bush while fleeing to Egypt. Another story says she hung Jesus’ swaddling cloths on a rosemary bush which turned the flowers their sky blue colour.
Like a mother's love for her children, rosemary brings gifts of unconditional love - soft, flowing and nourishing - and protection. So you can probably begin to see why we are creating space for this sacred plant in our life.
Rosemary is believed to be one of the first herbs ever used for magickal purposes. Often used in witchcraft and magick rituals, it has been used for cleansing, protection, and purifying since ancient times.
This herb can be used in spells for protection, purification, healing and health, love and lust, and sleep. It can be burned for protection purposes, tied in a bundle and hung above a door to ward off negative energy or slipped under your pillow to ensure peaceful and restful sleep.
There is so much more to say about the myth, magic, and medicine of rosemary – but really the best way to connect with this plant is to bring into your home. Cook with it, place it around the house, smudge it.
Ask your children to separate the leaves by pinching the stem and sliding their fingers down - it's fun and will leave a wonderful scent of their little hands. Add it to their playdough or in their mud kitchen - they can make wonderful potions with it!

All the activities above can be found in our Growing with Nature book. I love this plant so much that I dedicated the whole month of January to it, with lots of simple, beautiful crafts and play ideas for the whole family.