Nature activities
It is monsoon season for Northern Australia and crocodiles are laying their eggs. A fascinating array of jellyfish travel along the east coast, moving with the shifting ocean currents. In Tasmania, Leatherwood trees are in full bloom – small white flowers cover​ the moist rainforests in a white, sweet-scented cloak. Bees collect the nectar from these flowers and create one of the world's most unique and rare wild honeys - the Leatherwood honey.
The song of cicadas is the background music to our summer days – keep an eye out for their exoskeletons on trees, walls, fences and shrubs. Did you know that only male cicadas sing? The sweet hum we hear is their love song, used to attract a mate. In February we express our gratitude for the Mother Earth's bounty as we connect to holy basil, a therapeutic herb known to promote the health of our lungs and respiratory tract. A holy basil plant grown in your home is said to bring prosperity and keep it free of environmental toxins. Plus, it's a great natural insect repellent!