My story
This beautiful journey for me started in 2014, after the birth of my first child. Back then I was looking for ways to connect with my baby, and to find myself in this new dimension of motherhood. It was easy to see that our happy place was outdoors. We didn't need toys, screens, entertainment.. all we craved was each other's presence and love, while we soaked in the beauty of nature. With this realisation came a longing for a slower pace of life which eventually led us to move out of the city. I knew I wanted to work with children and I wanted my children to be part of this journey. So I trained as a play worker and became a forest school leader, and in 2019 I founded Big Scrub Nature Play.
My mission is to create a safe and nurturing environment where children and families can find a deeper connection with themselves and with Mother Earth. I love working with medicinal plants, weave with natural fibres and create art from natural resources. Although I will never stop learning, the training and qualifications I am most proud of achieving to date include:
I am a fully qualified Forest School Leader, recognized by The Forest School Learning Initiative UK with an International Open Awards Level 3 certificate
Full certification in Restorative Storytelling with David Sewell McCann, co-founder and master storyteller of the wonderful SparkleStories
Currently undertaking a certification in Therapeutic Skills for Outdoor Leaders to support children with additional needs, including learning disabilities, attachment difficulties, and children needing support with cognitive, language and fine and gross motor skills.
Right now, I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia with my husband and two children and I am the happiest I have ever been.

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